News & 更新: Year: 2019

  • Very Rev. Fr. 部落Constas Named Interim Dean of 圣十字希腊东正教神学院

    “We are honored that Father Maximos has agreed to serve HCHC as the interim dean of the School of Theology,HCHC主席George M. Cantonis. “Fr. 马克西姆斯强大的神学基础, expertise in the Church Fathers and international reputation for academic excellence coupled with a deep humility, 完整性, and authenticity have been invaluable to HCHC over his years of service, and we look forward to his gifts of vision-casting and leadership as he helms one of the most vital positions at our School.作为神学院的临时院长,神父. 马克西姆斯将负责神学硕士项目,...

  • Fr. Maximos Delivers Keynote Lecture at Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue

    The V. Rev. Dr. 部落Constas, Senior Research Scholar at 圣十字希腊东正教神学院, delivered the keynote lecture at the third annual Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue and Lecture at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, 路易斯安那州, 11月13日. Fr. Maximos, who also headlined last year's gathering, chose as his topic "Understanding Icons.在他的演讲中,许多图像加强了他的讲话. Maximos said, "Every icon is a means of spiritual encounter and dialogue...It shares in the holiness of the sacred figure whose likeness it bears. The icon is not a work of art but rather a work of witness...

  • AXIOS!

    The entire 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 community has greeted with joy the announcement that the V. Rev. 约阿希姆Cotsonis, 博士学位(圣十字1979), Director of HCHC's 大主教Iakovos图书馆 and Learning Center, 即将成为阿米索斯的主教. 官方公告, 由普世宗主教区于11月27日发布, stated that His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, 与神圣和神圣的会议一起, welcomed the proposal of the Holy Eparchial Synod of our Archdiocese for the election of an Auxiliary Bishop to 尊敬的美国大主教埃尔皮多弗罗斯. Bishop-elect Joachim will serve in that capacity while retaining his position at...

  • George M. 坎通尼斯被任命为HCHC新总裁

    Upon the completion of a rigorous nationwide search process, the Board of Trustees of 希腊的大学 and 圣十字希腊东正教神学院 (HCHC) announces with great joy that today, 12月10日, 2019, following the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, 投票选先生. George M. 任命坎通尼斯为下一任院长, 替换临时总统, 波士顿的大都会主教.  在HCHC董事会作出决定之后, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros immediately approved the election. Mr. 坎通尼斯成为HCHC的第11任主席.  作为土生土长的芝加哥人,...

  • Fr. 彭蒂奇在罗马尼亚获得荣誉博士学位

    Rev. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, Archbishop Demetrios Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins at 圣十字希腊东正教神学院, has been awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree by Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania. The honor was proposed by the faculty of the Cluj Orthodox School of Theology for Fr. Pentiuc’s significant contributions in the area of biblical studies and Semitic philology, as well as for his many endeavors to promote Orthodox theology in the Western Hemisphere.   授勋仪式于11月5日举行, 2019, 在大学的礼堂里, the...

  • 希腊学生发起慈善事业

    Four 希腊的大学 students have just launched a new business venture, Orama手表, 怀着雄心勃勃的慈善目标. 来自伊利诺伊州的Demetrius Karathanos, 来自佛罗里达州的尼古拉斯·梅特普罗斯, Aleksandar Pavlovic来自北马其顿, and Alejandro Zendejas from Mexico may be a diverse group in terms of background, but they share a common vision about socially conscious entrepreneurship. 事实上,orama在希腊语中是视觉的意思. 尼克想到了这个好主意, 组长, 在他人生的黑暗时期, 当他得知母亲病入膏肓时. 他突然意识到每个人的时间都是有限的...

  • HCHC教师、学生和校友参加罗马大会

    网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 had a strong presence at the 24th International Congress of the Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches held in Rome, Italy, 9月16 - 20, 2019. HCHC参与者包括Dr. Lewis Patsavos, Emeritus Professor of Canon Law at 圣十字 and Vice President of the Society; Rev. Fr. Patrick Viscuso (MDiv); Rev. Fr. Chrysostom Nassis (BA, MDiv); Seraphim Villabona (MDiv); Kyle Sterner (MDiv candidate): and Rev. Dn. Bartholomew Mercado (BA, MDiv), Secretary General of the Society. Also participating was His Grace Bishop Kyrillos of Abydos, 圣十字教会法的前客座教授. His...

  • 凯瑟琳·霍尔德获得学术奖

    凯瑟琳持有人, 百年纪念大学网赌送跳槽彩金大全的大四学生, 科罗拉多州, has been named the winner of the 希腊的大学 Humanities Paper Prize. The prize is awarded annually by the faculty of the Literature and History program. Catherine won the award for her outstanding work in two areas within the field of humanities, 奖学金和创意写作, 写过论文和诗集的. 凯瑟琳获奖的论文, titled "Know Thyself: Mortality and Acceptance of Place as a Way to Self-Knowledge in The Iliad,的问题,提交给博士审议. Stamatia Dova, Director of the Classics and Greek Studies program,...

  • HCHC董事会荣誉前任主席Dr. 托马斯Lelon

    Dr. Thomas C. Lelon, HCHC President from 1976-1986 and longtime Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, was honored at an elegant dinner in Dowd Hall on September 11. 尊敬的美国大主教埃尔皮多弗罗斯, 校董会主席, 和他的主教主教, 临时总统, 主持晚宴, which was attended by members of the Lelon family and of the current Board. In his remarks, Metropolitan Methodios said that, for more than half a century, Dr. Lelon's life and that of the school "have been inextricably linked." His Eminence expressed to the honoree "our profound gratitude...

  • 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 Statement Regarding Condition of 马里奥蒂斯文化中心

    总统办公室,10月3日, 2019 It was recently reported in the National Herald that the 马里奥蒂斯文化中心 located on the campus of 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 is "safe" to host events. 文化中心归网赌送跳槽彩金大全所有, but it is operated by the Friends of the 马里奥蒂斯文化中心, Inc.是一个独立的非营利组织. 本周早些时候, the College received a report from a professional engineer retained in connection with an ongoing litigation matter between 希腊的大学 and the Friends. Among other deficiencies in the Friends' maintenance of the Cultural Center, 工程师报告说:...
